Jamie Thomson

Jamie (Jay) Thomson can be found about town at shows and at the Clawson Clay Guild but frankly, she spends the vast majority of her time behind her computer screen.  She is a web and graphic designer as well as our webmaster and the head of our call for entry process.  A native of Ohio, she has moved around since she was 27 – from Australia, Missouri, Virginia, and Florida, before coming to the Detroit area about 7 years ago.  She is the proud parent of a first year Spartan so Michigan is pretty much her home now!

About artmaking she says:

“I am constantly seeking any mental tranquility – some sort of stillness.  

Unfortunately, I have a very noisy brain, so this isn’t easy.

Painting is one of the very few things I have found that allows me to find some silence.  It is a process of letting out some of that noise and transforming it – not just meditating through the action – but rising above all the clutter and clatter to find peace and clarity through the finished painting.    To have a viewer tell me my paintings are calming or that they ease their souls only tells me that somehow that clarity has been communicated to them and I’ve done my job well (the process itself is often anything BUT calm!)”




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