Get to know us
About the Lawrence Street Gallery
Our Gallery
The Lawrence Street Gallery is a fine arts gallery exhibiting a new show every month, with a spotlight exhibit in the front of the gallery, and a large member exhibit in the rest of the gallery. All Lawrence Street Gallery shows are free and open to the public.
Our artists volunteer their time and skills toward managing and working the gallery. We enjoy meeting new people and sharing our love of art.
Exhibit Receptions
We hold two receptions per month, usually the first Sunday of the month. 2-4:30pm and the 3rd Sunday, 2;4:30pm. These are free events, with refreshments provided. We hold our receptions on Sunday because parking is free in Ferndale on Sundays. There is convenient public lots behind the Gallery on Troy Street - look for the sign to find our back entrance! Check the events calendar, or call to confirm the date and time for any month.
Lawrence Street Gallery was established in 1987 by a small group of artists to showcase and sell their work in a gallery setting. Soon the membership expanded their goals to include other Michigan artists works by opening up the gallery space for solo, 2-person, and group exhibitions; holding juried competitions in several different media such as photography, printmaking, ceramics and drawing/figure exhibitions and inviting other admired artists to participate in invitational exhibitions. In the past there have been Art as Fashion shows, Art Jewelry shows, creativity classes, poetry readings, artist book signings, and lectures reflecting the interests of the member artists and general public.
Exhibits change monthly and occasionally a theme will be the impetus for a small show within the gallery of member artists. Members are also encouraged to have their own solo shows. A lively, creative group that cares to display other area artist's work along with their own leads to exhibitions that contain interesting and well-represented media. On display at the gallery are unique artistic pieces in a wide range of media including acrylic, oil, and watercolor paintings, drawings, fibers, prints, ceramics, black and white, color, and experimental photography, metal, clay, bronze, and wood sculpture, jewelry and painted furniture.
Our first address was at 29 West Lawrence Street (hence the name)in Pontiac, MI. It was in an old Salvation Army building with a high ceiling, glorious windows and wood floors. The membership increased and a new location was found at 6 N Saginaw, in Pontiac, to house the additional membership and expanded goals. the Gallery moved to its third (and current) location in December, 2003: a totally new space designed to house the works of its members and additional exhibitions. This is the current location at 22620 Woodward Ave in Ferndale, MI.
One of the key goals of the gallery is showcasing the vast field of talented artists in local region. Another is to provide visitors with an assortment of fresh, one-of-a-kind original works at buyer friendly prices. Our optimal membership is 28 artists, and a member artist is always available to serve and advise you as you explore the gallery.
Featured News
We were featured on the Detroit Public TV show Detroit Performs - click the link below:
For a link to the clip regarding Lawrence Street : https://video.wtjx.org/video/lawrence-street-gallery-atpads/
Macomb Daily covered our "Woman's Work" exhibit in March, 2021
Kim Fay's review of Body Eclectic 2022 : https://kimfay.substack.com/p/the-body-eclectic-at-lawrence-street