Past Exhibit
August 2023 Jeri Magid
In the Abstract

JERI MAGID: IN The Abstract
Show Dates: August 2nd – August 25th, 2023
Opening reception: Sunday, August 6, 2023 2-4:30,
Mid-month Sunday, August 20, 2023 2-4:30
Wander through the Lawrence Street Gallery any recent month and you will stop in your tracks at the work of Jeri Magid. Reframing the discourse around abstract art, she takes line, form and color to new places. It’s with this fresh look on the world
that she brings her one-women show to our stage at Lawrence Street Gallery.
“My love for all things art goes back to childhood…so much so that I decided to major in it while receiving my BFA at Michigan State University. Knowing that it would be difficult to earn a living from art alone, I changed my major to Art Education and taught for a very short time” says Magid. Recently she returned to embrace art and has received much support from the art world and her many LSG artist friends. Her process involves a back and forth play between spontaneous intuitive mark-making and careful deliberations and intention. “I think of it as letting things happen and making things happen”! Magid leaves the interpretations to the viewer with a hope that they will have fun looking at them.
Just a few examples of her creativity are below.
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