Membership Information
Join a Cooperative Gallery
Membership Information
Lawrence Street Gallery has been successful as a cooperative gallery, with artists who do everything from planning and hanging exhibits to staffing the gallery, since 1987. We have a respected gallery reputation of maintaining a high standard of fine art. It's a great community effort and uses everyone's different talents to run all aspects of the gallery.
What You Can Expect From Membership in 2024
Information for potential members:
- Permanent display space and your choice as to what you’d like to exhibit: you will have approximately 8 linear feet of wall space (for 2-D artists) and Three - dimensional artists (3-D) will share pedestals and tables and walls to have their 8 feet of exhibition space. Artists are expected to change their work monthly (at least 2/3 of work changed.)
- KEEP FULL PRICE OF SALES (No sales commission to gallery) Exceptions: There is a slight charge for credit card sales. Gallery members get a 10% discount when buying a work (over $50) If you charge your dues – add $3.00 to the $100 + $3.= $103. for dues if charged.
- Participate in the decision-making and experience the running of a gallery and learning more of the business side of being an artist.
- Established gallery reputation. The LSG has been in business since 1987
- Legally set up as a cooperative corporation. Members are not held liable.
- Regular on-going PR to newspapers, magazines, social media and websites. Monthly Postcards and email cards to share with your friends, clients, family, etc.
- Gallery Openings and other events to bring public into gallery and expose your art to a wider audience.
- The gallery takes care of sales tax. Sales are paid monthly to artists.
- Tax forms are taken care of by Treasurer and Accountant. You will receive a form at the end of January.
- Opportunity to be a monthly- featured artist. You may have a one-person show or share the space with another artist for reduced fees. Featured space for one member artist is $300. and no commission on sales. The same space to show for one guest artist is $550 and 30% commission. The whole front of the gallery charge for a member is $500. (which includes the artist’s monthly 8 feet). The same space for a non-member is $900. Plus 30% commission on sales.
11.Networking opportunities with other artists. Occasional Critique Sessions – where members bring in their work to discuss amongst members before a membership meeting. This helps everyone have a bit more information about all the work hanging in the gallery. An optional group dinner before membership meetings is also helpful in getting to know all the members. We also hold Zoom meetings when members aren’t able to meet at the gallery.
- We have a jury committee of existing members for membership and outside shows to keep high standards of quality work we show in the gallery.
- Each Member may make an individual Resume Book that contains a resume or artist statement and photos of work to show buyers interested in a certain artist’s work.
- We offer limited free parking to members behind gallery. There is a public lot adjacent to building lot. We share our lot with other tenants. Sundays the parking is FREE!
- You can choose to do some artwork while working at the gallery on your shift. Visitors are intrigued by the process and could promote sales.
- We have a beautiful website that can include a page of your work(limit of 10 images a month) and can link to your own website. Members send their images to our webmaster. There is also a monthly newsletter that features work in the gallery for that month to send to everyone’s lists. As of 2020, we have the ability to sell our work online.
Artworks in the Gallery have included: paintings (oil, acrylic, watercolor, pastel, mixed media), drawing, pottery, poetry, calligraphy, fiber, prints, photographs, and sculpture (metal, wood and ceramic), and jewelry. All Media will be considered.
Download this above information as a word.doc
- Applicants must fill out application form and include a resume-bio-artist statement; examples of their work in an email or website to Laura Host at --please include a sheet describing each example with size of piece, what medium, and price of work. The jury committee meets the second week of every month. Questions addressed to Laura Host @ 248 - 514- 2441 or or via email on our website.
- There is a one-time initiation fee of $200. The monthly dues are $100. (includes rent, utilities, publicity), payable by the 15th of each month. This can be broken into 2 payments of $100. If charging your dues, please add $3.00 charge fee.
- Members are held to a one-year commitment minimum- After the first year a 2-month notice is required to terminate membership.
- It is emphasized that this a cooperative gallery, so each member is required to work 2 -3 shifts per month (the third shift is not every month. It depends on the month's length and the number of members.) The calendar is ready for member sign-up at in advance so members can make plans. If problems arise, it is the member’s responsibility to exchange shifts with another member (most members are flexible and willing to help). Two members work each shift. Available work shifts are from Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday from 12 – 5 ; Friday from 12-9- (2 shifts- 12 – 5 and 5 – 9), Sunday 1 – 5 pm. Each member is required to be a part of a gallery committee as well. Examples of committees are: Hanging – Publicity – Social Media -Hospitality – Supplies – Inventory – Graphics etc.
- There are general membership meetings on the second Monday of every month at 6:30 pm at the gallery. This is a good way to have input in gallery business and to keep up with what is happening in the gallery. Minutes are sent via email or post for every meeting. Since the covid virus, we have been meeting via Zoom as well as in person at the gallery every month on the 2nd Monday in the evening, .usually at 6:30. We been able to have dinner together again at one of the restaurants in town at 5 as well as have a critique session where the members get to know each others’ work more.
- There is a Mandatory Annual Meeting in January where Election of Officers is part of the agenda.
- There is an annual work bee to paint the walls and pedestals and repair anything that is needed.(usually at the end of December and beginning of January)
- Members should try to attend as many opening receptions as one can. They are usually held on the one of the first Sundays from 2 – 4:30 or the first Friday each month from 6 to 9 pm (Stay as long as you want). This is great time to invite friends out to see the gallery and brunch or dinner! We also hold a mid-month reception (most months) on the third Sunday from 2 – 5 to invite friends to come see the show and the artists..
- Members are encouraged to be active working artists who are producing work regularly, so the gallery is filled with fresh works. Generally, the exhibitions are changed the Sunday of the week of a new exhibit. Members shall have their work at the gallery by 10 AM on that Sunday as the hanging committee starts to curate the new show. Also Inventory lists must be filled out for each month (typed preferred). You can rotate your art mixing new work with old, that way our customers can see a different show when they visit. If a member is out of town or for another reason – we will just rehang their work in spots near different works so it will be a fresh look to the gallery.
Download the member obligations in a separate document here
If you would like to apply for membership 2024 -
an interactive form will be added soon. For now, you can download the form HERE
Please include (with your samples of work) this page with your signature. This is not a contract, just a way for you to check and review the main points that will help you and us run a successful art gallery.
- I understand that I need to work at the gallery 2 shifts per month. Hours: Wed -Thurs – Sat 12 – 5, Friday 12 – 5 and 5 -9 pm, Sunday 1 – 5 on occasion, a third shift may be needed depending on number of members and longer months.
- I will be willing to take part in at least one committee to help gallery function.
- I will do my best to come to the monthly member meetings in the evening. (usually Monday evening 2nd Monday of the month . At the Gallery or via Zoom,
- Openings are now one of the first Sundays of the month. I will do my best to attend, and invite other people to come to the gallery on this evening. We hold mid-month receptions on Sunday afternoons as well. We changed our reception to Sunday as there is not as much parking competition with restaurants etc. on Friday evenings and the afternoon seems to be a more available time for art viewers!
- I understand that I will be making a one-year commitment.
- I will be a working artist and have fresh work each month (or as much as possible)
- For samples of work for jury to review: either your website or email 10 images to: A bio or resume is also helpful to include.
Signed ________________________________________________________________
Print name _____________________________________________________________
Phone #sHome___________________________Cell____________________________
Email Address___________________________________________________________
Home Address___________________________________________________________
Skills / experience you might have to aid the gallery business. Ex. Computer skills, bookkeeping skills, sales skills, design skills, graphic arts, marketing skills, etc.